2015 Texas ETD Association/US ETD Association Region 3 Joint Conference

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/2249.1/156769

Baylor University, Waco, Texas

February 26, 2015 – February 27, 2015

TxETDA is collaborating with the US ETD Association to offer its third regional conference. USETDA Region 3 members are especially invited to attend this conference, but all of those with an interest in ETDs, regardless of location are welcome. USETDA Region 3 includes the states of Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming.

TxETDA and USETDA aim to increase the knowledge of ETD professionals and enhance ETD operations by providing professional development opportunities and encouraging the sharing of best practices. Additionally, this conference provides unique opportunities to build bridges and engage in conversations between the graduate school and library around ETD-related issues.

The conference fee ($60 early bird; $70 regular registration) covers all sessions and some meals.

Visit the 2015 TxETDA/USETDA Region 3 Joint Conference homepage for additional information.
