A school for boys

dc.creatorHallmark, Howard
dc.description.abstractThe schools of the second half of the Twentieth Century have a vast job to do. It is not enough that the children of this country have an elementary education, but with the ever-increasing complexity of our society it has become vital that the coming generations be equipped to cope with future situations. Secondary education is not just a dream anymore but a reality, and the public schools have their hands full ill providing for the increasing enrollment. With over-crowded classrooms, lack of enough properly trained teachers, and lack of enough equipment the public schools aim at giving satisfaction to everyone; there is little opportunity to give special attention to the exceptional student--at either end of the scale. It is for the exceptional student that the private schools have an attraction. The gifted student, the student who has difficulty learning, or the unstable student can find satisfaction in the good private school. For many years the public and private schools have bee• sniping at each other. This has proved little for each still feels superior to the other one; but the real relationship between them has, in the last few years, become more apparent. The private schools can begin their service to the public where the public schools must stop. There is room for both types of schools with each offering its own special attention to the .needs of the public.
dc.titleA school for boys
