Grant writing and the grant seeking process in the non-profit sector



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Non-profit organizations abound in the United States and millions of dollars are donated each year to support their programs; however, the competition for funding dollars is strong. One method of raising funds is through grant writing preparing proposals that describe the needs of the client population, the activities that might remedy the need and the ability of the non-profit to do the job. Grant writers are the link between the non-profit seeking funds and the foundations that donate; however, relatively little is known about this group of writers. This study investigated these writers, obtaining information on the methods they use to learn about grant writing, the steps they take in preparing and submitting grant proposals, and what they like and dislike about the activity of grant writing. Fourteen grant writers who work for non-profit agencies were interviewed. Results show that the participants employ a variety of methods to learn to write grants, that they approach grant writing in individual ways, and that grant writing may be an under-utilized method of raising funds for non-profits. Despite difficulties with grant writing, these grant writers were committed to seeking funding for their agencies with all having success.

