Globular cluster simulations by MOCCA code



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The MOCCA code is one of the most advanced codes that has the capacity to simulate a realistic sized star cluster with a full dynamical history including stellar evolution using Monte Carlo methods for the cluster evolution and the Fewbody code for scattering. The dynamical evolution of a cluster can result in the formation of many binary systems. Some of these binaries may be very close. Close double white dwarf binaries (double WDBs) may be promising gravitational wave sources. Our work uses MOCCA to simulate 90 globular clusters with different numbers of stars, binary fractions, metallicities and power-law indices of the initial mass function. After ruling out models which evaporate before 9 Gyrs and uninteresting models with very low numbers of WDBs, we do multiple runs of the remaining models for around a Hubble time in order to get statistics on the overall WDB populations of different component types, orbital periods and cluster radius in the time range from 8 Gyrs to 10 Gyrs. We consider WDBs that exist within a specified time range & Lagrangian radius range and have orbital periods less than a day to be observable. Thus we set up a map of possible WDB detection rates for different types of globular clusters.
PDF; 77 pgs.
