"Palaces of art :" Victorian studio-houses in the museum context.




Garner, Lara A.

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The Aesthetic Period of the late Victorian era produced a profusion of unique architectural forms known as “purpose-built studio-houses.” These combination domestic and work spaces were intentionally built and designed by the most famous artists of the day in the United States and the United Kingdom. Each home was an intimate expression of the artist’s philosophies and tastes. These artists represented the pinnacle of popular culture for their time, and the abundance of periodical and literary material related to these artists, their works of art, and most importantly, their studio-houses, reflects the significant role these artists played in the late Victorian era. After these artists died, many of their homes were destroyed, completely remodeled, or turned into museums. This thesis explores the journeys of the properties that became museums while also investigating how these studio-house museums are being conserved and interpreted for the public today.

