Nielsen versus Nielsen: a usability analysis of television homepages



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Texas Tech University


Several studies explore the design and usability of homepages, but none have investigated both in the context of local television Web sites. A content analysis of 173 local and eight national television homepages stratified by Designated Market Area (DMA) rank and station rating within a DMA provide insight into how these homepages follow recommended usability guidelines proposed by Jakob Nielsen. Additionally, this research seeks to discover major design trends found on local television homepages based on a high or low DMA rank. This study revealed through a correlation analysis that DMA rank does not correlate with usability score; however, station rating within a DMA and usability score are correlated. Furthermore, DMA rank and station rating within a DMA are correlated with homepage traffic and the number of interactivity features found on a homepage. These findings suggest usability standards may need revisions based on the rapid growth and adoption of the Web.

