The effect of chromium and yogurt on human serum glucose and lipids
The discovery of the essentiality of trace elements for humans and laboratory animals began in the seventeenth century. However, not until 1959 was the physiological role of chromium as a trace element in nutrition recognized. Mertz and co-workers (Mertz ejt al., 1959) have postulated that "Chromium, as a constituent of the glucose tolerance factor (GTF), plays a role as a co-factor for insulin, facilitating binding with its receptors, and amplifying all known effects of insulin."
Chromium also appears to be involved in protein and lipid metabolism (Mertz, 1975; Ham-bidge e£ al., 1974; Boyle et al., 1977). Although results have been equivocal, recent research has indicated that in both humans and animals serum cholesterol decreased significantly after supplementation with various amounts of inorganic chromium or brewers' yeast extract (Liu et^ al., 1977; Offenbacher et al., 1980; Riales £t al., 1981; Abraham £t al., 1980). Chromium deficiency has been suggested by Schroeder (Schroeder et al., 1970; Schroeder e£ al,, 1965) to be a factor in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.