Generate meaningful architecture by the use of vernacular pattern language



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Texas Tech University


Meaningful architecture is not a one-dimensional facilhy reduced to mere utility, but a multi-dimensional artifact that is also in response to the network woven by society, culture and region. Thus, both connotative meanings and denotative meanings should be included for meaningfial architecture. Then, how can these meanings be integrated into design for meaningful architecture. Utilization of a vernacular pattern language, which is about how architecture has developed a system of solutions to some unique problems that "occur over and over again" under a specific context is suggested.^ This language "covers the whole of life. Every facet of human experience is covered, in one way or another, by the patterns in the language. " "The more hving patterns there are in a thing—a room, a building, or a town—the more comes to life as an entirety, the more it glows, the more it has self-maintaining fire, which is the quality without a name."^ By achieving this quality without a name, which reconstructs multi-dimensions, generation of meaningful architecture is possible . The vernacular pattern language on arid lands of Islamic Asia will be developed and apphed to the proposed thesis project, a hotel design in this area, as an experiment to the thesis.

