Wildlife rehabilitation centers: Survey of rehabilitators’ attitudes, motivations, and knowledge & study of animal admittance to the South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center



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Wildlife rehabilitation centers and wildlife rehabilitators rehabilitate and release injured, sick, displaced, and orphaned wildlife. To study the wildlife aspect of wildlife rehabilitation, mammal and herpetofauna admittance records for the South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (SPWRC) from the years of 1991-2010 were recorded and examined. These admittance data can be used to better manage similar human-wildlife interactions, offer solutions to common rehabilitation problems, and assist in successful release and survival of rehabilitated wildlife. To study the human aspect of wildlife rehabilitation, a survey was conducted of wildlife rehabilitators in Texas in order to study rehabilitators’ characteristics, knowledge and beliefs of some basic wildlife and rehabilitation issues, attitudes towards animals, reasons for rehabilitating, as well as how these things impact their desire and ability to properly educate the public about wildlife, specifically in urban areas.

