The Gander search engine for personalized networked spaces




Michel, Jonas Reinhardt

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The vision of pervasive computing is one of a personalized space populated with vast amounts of data that can be exploited by humans. Such Personalized Networked Spaces (PNetS) and the requisite support for general-purpose expressive spatiotemporal search of the “here” and “now” have eluded realization, due primarily to the complexities of indexing, storing, and retrieving relevant information within a vast collection of highly ephemeral data. This thesis presents the Gander search engine, founded on a novel conceptual model of search in PNetS and targeted for environments characterized by large volumes of highly transient data. We overview this model and provide a realization of it via the architecture and implementation of the Gander search engine. Gander connects formal notions of sampling a search space to expressive, spatiotemporal-aware protocols that perform distributed query processing in situ. This thesis evaluates Gander through a user study that examines the perceived usability and utility of our mobile application, and benchmarks the performance of Gander in large PNetS through network simulation.




Pervasive computing, Mobile computing, Distributed computing, Information retrieval, Spatial sampling, Mobile interfaces
