The impact of Erikson's industry vs. inferiority stage development upon preadolescents



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Texas Tech University


The present study explored the importance of Erikson's fourth stage of development. Industry versus Inferiority, by developing an interview to locate preadolescent males and females within the stage. Through a questionnaire, the degree of completion by the subjects of the first three stages. Trust versus Mistrust, Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt, and Initiative versus Guilt was identified. Another questionnaire assessed the subjects' self-esteem. It was hypothesized that the first three of Erikson's developmental stages, self-esteem, and the fourth stage as shown by the Erikson Psychosocial Stage Inventory and the Industry Status Inverview would be positively and significantly related, Support for all hypotheses was found indicating initial validity of the Industry Status Inverview. It was further posited that the interview can become a useful diagnostic tool in the classroom and clinical setting. Future study should be carried out for additional validation of the interview.

