Response of the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) to static electrical devices



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Texas Tech University


Using video technology, the response of Solenopsis invicta Buren to static electrical devices (SEDs) was documented. Three separate studies were performed to evaluate the initial attraction, colony movement towards or away from the device, and behavior of individual workers to alarm pheromone environments caused by electrical shock.

The first study was performed by taking video images of the number of ants on or 2.54 cm around the SED. The images were then downloaded to a computer and enhanced, in order to count the number of S. invicta. The results indicated that significantly more ants were on or 2.54 cm around the active SED as opposed to the inactive SED (non-parametric Wilcoxon t-test, P<0 05).

The second study used time lapse video and a three chamber apparatus to document the movement of a colony towards or away from an active SED The results indicated that there were no preferential movements of 5. invicta colonies towards or away from an active SED as opposed to an inactive SED (chi-square, analysis P>0.05).

The final study used an olfactometer to document the preferential movements of individual S. invicta to the inherent odors of an active SED, and to gaster-flagging nestmates on an active SED The results showed no significant difference between the attraction of S. invicta workers to the inherent odors of an active SED as opposed to the odors of an inactive SED (non-parametric Wilcoxon t-test, P>0.05). Further, the results indicated S. invicta are significantly attracted to gaster-flagging nestmates on an active SED as opposed to non-gaster-flagging nestmates (non-parametric Wilcoxon t-test, P<0.05).

