A Parent's Guide to Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery



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The goal of this project was to create an online parent education resource to guide parents through the process of pediatric epilepsy surgery. I created an interactive, web-based program that included photographs documenting the process, brain scans, illustrations of brain anatomy, success-story videos, frequently asked questions, a glossary, helpful links, and printable PDFs. The program was created for English-speaking families, but it was built with the intention of adding a Spanish version at a later date. The program was also designed as a trusted resource for the families considering epilepsy surgery at Children’s Medical Center, Dallas. The doctors of the Epilepsy Team at Children’s evaluated the program for its clinical relevance and usefulness for their current and future patients. Further testing and feedback from parents can be acquired after the Spanish version is complete and the program is integrated into the website of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Center.

