A Literature Review on Value Stream Mapping with a Case Study of Applying Value Stream Mapping on Research Process



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Value stream mapping is a lean manufacturing technique that originated from the Toyota Production System (TPS). It is used to analyze and design the flow of material and information required to bring a product or service to a consumer. This thesis has two main objectives. The first is an in-depth literature review on value stream mapping, especially concerning useful value stream mapping tools and the application of value stream mapping in construction industry. The literature review of value stream mapping provides an overview of this lean tool, which offers a framework for future study in the application of value stream mapping in construction industry. The other objective is to perform a case study of my own experience in doing this research study and the value stream mapping of my thesis writing process. The value stream mapping process helps visualize the work and target waste, which enables future improvement toward a better state. As a result, the improved value stream maps can be guidelines for future studies.

