Performance-directed site selection system of AADMLSS



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Texas A&M University


The popularity of the World Wide Web (WWW) in providing a vast array of information has drawn a large number of users in the past few years. The dramatic increase in the number of Internet users, however, has brought undesirable impacts on users, such as long response time and service unavailability. The utilization of multiple servers can be used to reduce adverse impacts. The challenge is to identify a good resource site to allocate to the user given a group of servers from which to select. In this project, a performance-directed site selection system was developed for a web-based application called AADMLSS (African American Distributed Multiple Learning Styles System). Four different sets of experiments were conducted in this study. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the test system, two other server selection methods, Load-based and Random-based methods, were implemented for comparative purposes. The experiments were also run during daytime and nighttime to see the impact of network load on the response time. Experimental results indicate that the performance-directed site selection system outperforms the Load-based and Random-based methods consistently. The response time is typically high during daytime and low during nighttime, indicating that the network load has an impact on the response time delivered. The results also show that server performance contributes to the overall response time, and network performance is the more dominating factor in determining a good resource site for the user.

