Kyutoku, Yasushi2007-08-232011-08-242007-08-232011-08-242007-08-23April 2007 English (WE) includes any type of dialectical English spoken around the world (Hinkel, 2005). In the present study, a WE listening test was developed. The original form of the test consisted of six scales measuring, respectively, demographics, exposure to non-native English speakers, self perception of WE fluency, WE listening test, evaluations of non-native speakers' fluency, and attitudes towards non-native English speakers. Internal consistency, dimensionality, correlations among scales, and the effects of demographics on the test scores were analyzed based on the data collected from 32 participants in Study 1. Results indicated moderate to moderately high internal consistency for the scales except for the attitudes toward non-native English speakers scale. Study 2 constituted an actual computer administration with 106 participants. SE listening comprehension test was added to the study. All of the scales except for the SE test showed moderate to high consistency and unidimensionality.ENValidation Of World English (WE) Listening Comprehension ScaleM.S.