Unrestricted.2016-11-142011-02-182016-11-142003-05http://hdl.handle.net/2346/13679Among the most significant recent advances in improving the communicative abilities of individuals with chronic severe aphasia has been the development of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) methods; that is, techniques, strategies, and symbols for augmenting or replacing natural speech. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ability of nine individuals with chronic severe aphasia and one individual with no verbal output secondary to brainstem stroke to produce graphic symbol sentences of varying complexity using a computer-based AAC device. A singlesubject multiple baseline design was used to analyze the data. Results indicated that all subjects acquired the skills necessary to access, identify, and manipulate the symbols. However, their abilities to construct sentences using symbols varied. The finding that individuals with chronic severe aphasia are able to use visually based alternative forms of communication has significant clinical and public policy implications.application/pdfengAphasia, Broca -- PatientsRehabilitationNonverbal communicationSoftware capabilityComputerized AAC intervention with individuals with chronic severe aphasia: efficacy of a software applicationThesis