García-Corales, Guillermo.Álvarez, Christian Y.Baylor University. Dept. of Modern Foreign Languages.2010-06-232017-04-072010-06-232017-04-072010-052010-06-23 bibliographical references (p. ).En base a una conexión entre el concepto de dialogismo de Mikhail Bahktin y la teoría feminista propuesta en especial, por Elaine Showalter, la presente tesis analiza el tema de la memoria de una mujer como estrategia que desenmascara la marginalización y la alienación del sujeto femenino. Para este efecto, se utilizan como caso de estudio dos novelas de escritoras latinoamericanas contemporáneas activas al principio del siglo XXI: Café nostalgia (1997) de la cubana Zoé Valdés (1959) y Lo que está en mi corazón (2001) de la chilena Marcela Serrano (1952). Se propone que la desigualdad y exclusión de las mujeres de las fuentes de poder motiva su verbalización con respecto a las circunstancias culturales, sociales y políticas que las rodean. Como consecuencia, en los mundos narrados de Valdés y Serrano, las principales voces femeninas aparecen como instrumento desestabilizador del discurso patriarcal.Based on a connection between Mikahil Bahktin’s concept of dialogism and Elaine Showalter’s feminist theory, the following thesis analyzes the theme of memory as a strategy that promotes the unmasking of the marginalization and alienation of women. For this effect, two novels of contemporary Latin American female writers active in the beginning of the twenty-first century are utilized as a case study: Café nostalgia (1997) by Zoé Valdés of Cuba and Lo que está en mi corazón (2001) by Marcela Serrano of Chile. It is proposed that the inequality and the exclusion of women from the sources of power functions as the promoting force behind their verbalization with respect to the cultural, social, and political circumstances that surround them. As a consequence, within the worlds narrated by Valdés and Serrano, the main feminist voices appear as a destabilizing instrument of the patriarchal discourse.663955 bytes75690 bytesapplication/pdfapplication/pdfesBaylor University theses are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. Contact for inquiries about permission.Memory.Feminism.Rebellion.Latin American literature.Spanish.Memoria como rebeldía femenina en la narrativa latinoamericana contemporánea.Memory as feminine rebellion in contemporary Latin American literature.ThesisWorldwide access.Access changed 3/18/13.