Ling, Hao2016-03-242018-01-222016-03-242018-01-222006-08 hybridized electromagnetic fitting algorithm using polar and exponential basis functions is presented with comparisons to previous interpolation methods. In the first chapter an introduction and overview of model-based parameter estimation is given. Previous interpolative techniques and models are discussed and compared with sample results in the second and third chapters. The second chapter is devoted to the rational function model and its uses modeling data resembling resonance phenomena. The third chapter discusses the uses of adaptive feature extraction (AFE) and its effectiveness in modeling scattering responses. Chapter four presents the hybrid fitting algorithm and results on synthetic and modeled data. The final chapter contains conclusions and suggestions for future work.electronicenCopyright © is held by the author. Presentation of this material on the Libraries' web site by University Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin was made possible under a limited license grant from the author who has retained all copyrights in the works.Data modelingData interpolationHybridized algorithmsBroadband electromagnetic data interpolation based on a hybrid polar-exponential fitting algorithmThesisRestricted