Xiao, Zhiwen2012-04-192012-04-192014-06-062012-04-192012-04-192014-06-062011-122012-04-19December 2http://hdl.handle.net/10657/234Using a within/between experimental design, the current study attempted to examine 1) whether the ethnicity and call phone type can predict one’s frequency of calling while driving; 2) to examine the mechanism of how personal attributes, including perceived behavioral control, subjective social norms, and classic/reversed third-person perception, interact with a fear appeal message regarding the issue of calling while driving.application/pdfengFear appealsDistracted drivingPerceived behavioral controlPerceived social normsclassic/reversed third-person perception.EXAMINING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF A FEAR APPEAL MESSAGE REGARDING CALLING WHILE DRIVING: THE ROLE OF PERCEIVED BEHAVIORAL CONTROL, SOCIAL NORMS, AND THE THIRD-PERSON PERCEPTIONthesis2012-04-19