Epina, Eduardo2013-12-162017-04-072013-12-162017-04-072013-082013-08-08http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/151177La usina del lenguaje: Teor?a de la poes?a neobarroca examines one of the most relevant poetry tendencies of the last thirty years: the Neo-baroque. In this dissertation I have endeavored to analyze the works of a number of Hispano-American poets, such as: Jos? Lezama Lima, Jos? Kozer, N?stor Perlongher, Eduardo Espina, Roger Santiv??ez, among others, in order to demonstrate that Neobaroque is a significant component of the cultural and aesthetic spirit of the contemporary Hispanic World. I also demonstrate and conclude that Neo-baroque appropriates the main discourses of Post modernity, while at the same time implying a critical revision of the poetic traditions to which it belongs, such as Baroque, Modernism, Vanguardism and Colloquialism. Additionally, this dissertation allows me to rethink the Spanish Baroque of the Golden Age looking for connections and ruptures between Baroque, Modernity and Neobaroque aesthetics. In order to establish a theoretical frame, on one level I adopt a structural approach along with a poetry analysis of the above-mentioned poets, and on another level, I explore the relationship between their works and other cultural endeavors, such as philosophical and theoretical thoughts, as well as appropriate political ideas.esPoetryNeo-baroqueLa Usina del Lenguaje: Teor?a de la Poes?a NeobarrocaThesis