McFarland, Mark2013-02-272013-02-272012-05-25 slides for the 2012 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries (TCDL).The ability of scholars and institutions to provide access to research data, publications, and special collections of materials has become a necessity for all institutions of higher learning. This need provides a tremendous opportunity for libraries to provide leadership on their campuses, and the services and organization created by the Texas Digital Library consortium has become more relevant than ever. The membership of the Texas Digital Library has recently adopted a strategic plan that sets goals and provides structure to the paths of member institutions as they work to build a presence for digital libraries on their campuses and build connections that reach well beyond the borders of Texas. In order to achieve this vision, the Strategic Plan lays out four ambitious initiatives aimed at: 1. growing scholarly content hosted by TDL; 2. marketing TDL services effectively to our member institutions; 3. developing collaborative special collections; and 4. mining the talents and skills of members to augment the talent and expertise of TDL staff. In this presentation, we will discuss how TDL is working to execute on these initiatives, as well as provide updates on ongoing software development projects, collaborations with partners outside of Texas, and ongoing efforts to provide TDL members with the highest level of quality of service and organizational librariesTexas Digital LibraryTexas Digital Library: Building a Connected TexasPresentation