Unrestricted.2016-11-142012-06-012016-11-142007-08http://hdl.handle.net/2346/14528This study looks at a sample of fanfiction written by fans of the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer. There has yet to be a more updated look at the types of fanfiction being written by more current fanfiction writers. In addition, most research on fanfiction focuses on how writers of fanfiction use their writing to accommodate a male lead and a non-existent female lead. There has not been an examination on the types of fanfiction written for a show with a prominent female character. This thesis examines the types of fanfiction written about the show. It also looks at fanfiction in relation to cultural studies, in particular, reception studies.application/pdfengCircuit of cultureCultural studiesFanfictionA qualitative study of typology in buffy the vampire slayer fanfictionThesis