Ballal, Prasanna Mohan2007-08-232011-08-242007-08-232011-08-242007-08-23August 200 work concerns the development of a novel structure of Discrete Event Controller (DEC) for mobile wireless sensor networks consisting of mobile robots and stationary wireless sensing nodes known as Unattended Ground Sensors (UGS). These are the three contributions: 1. Decision-making systems such as Fuzzy Logic and Dempster Shafer Theory for sensor fusion are implemented. 2. Decision-making is used for a special case of routing of resources for multiple tasks performed by different resources. 3. The DEC was actually implemented in the Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks lab at Automation & Robotics Research Institute. This work was supported by ARO grant DAAD 19-02-1-0366, NSF grants IIS-0326505 and CNS-0421282, Singapore SERC TSRP grant 0421120028 and JC Penney, Inc. The theory involved in developing such systems is included and aptly supported by relevant simulation and experimental results.ENStructure & Decision In Mobile Wireless Sensor NetworksM.S.E.E.