Dietz, Henry A.2015-10-262018-01-222015-10-262018-01-222015-05May 2015 journalists serve as important checks on power and abuse that threaten democratic systems. At the same time, they rely on government to provide and enforce democratic rights that allow for freedom of expression, access to information and protection from violence. Looking at the case of Peru during the internal war from 1980 to 2000, we see how independent journalists were able to uncover corruption and political violence despite increasingly authoritarian political environments which sought to restrict the flow of information. The focus of this paper are the methods by which investigative journalists are able to resist authoritarian pressures to perform the functions of watchdogs for democracy.application/pdfenInternal warInvestigative journalismSendero LuminosoFujimoriPeruPracticing investigative journalism during Peru's internal war, 1980-2000Thesis2015-10-26