Foias, Ciprian2007-04-252017-04-072007-04-252017-04-072005-122007-04-25 study behavior for negative times t of the 2D periodic Navier-Stokes equations and Burgers' original model for turbulence. Both systems are proved to have rich sets of solutions that exist for all t - R and increase exponentially as t -> -(Infinity) However, our study shows that the behavior of these solutions as well as the geometrical structure of the sets of their initial data are very different. As a consequence, Burgers original model for turbulence becomes the first known dissipative system that despite possessing a rich set of backward-time exponentially growing solutions, does not display any similarities, as t -> -(Infinity), to the linear case.en-USDissipative PDEBackward Time BehaviorBackward time behavior of dissipative PDEBook