2016-06-152016-06-152010-09TDL Update Newsletter, 2(8), 1-8. (2010)http://hdl.handle.net/2249.1/76235September 2010 issue of the TDL Update Newsletter.In this issue: Director's message on the value of TDL membership; Fall 2010 begins with key development accomplishments; tech team update; new National Science Foundation (NSF) data management plan requirement; Texas A&M Kingsville joins the TDL; Open Access Week coming in October; TDL User Group Roundup; University of Texas at Brownsville (UTB)/Texas Southmost College (TSC) hold a "TDL Fair"; new communications resource for TDL members; TDL training for August.enTDL Update Newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 8, September 2010Newsletter