Sprintson, AlexWelch, Jennifer2010-01-152010-01-162017-04-072010-01-152010-01-162017-04-072008-122009-05-15http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/ETD-TAMU-3118We address two problems dealing with fault-tolerant communication in networks. The first one is designing a distributed storage protocol tolerant to Byzantine failure of servers. The protocol implements a multi-writer multi-reader register which satisfies a weaker consistency condition called MWReg. Most of the earlier work gives multiwriter implementations by simulating m copies of a single-writer protocol where m is the number of writers. Our solution gives a direct multi-writer implementation and thus has bounded message and time complexity independent of the number of writers. We have simulated the complete protocol to test its performance and also proved its correctness theoretically. The second problem we address is of providing a reliable communication link between two nodes in a network. We present a capacity reservation algorithm in the case for upper bounds on edge capacities and costs associated with using per unit capacity on any edge. We give a flow based approximation algorithm with cost at most four times optimal. To conclude, we design a distributed storage protocol and a capacity reservation algorithm which are tolerant to network failures.en-USDistributed Storagefault-toleranceSupporting fault-tolerant communication in networksBook