Borrego, GilbertKehoe, ChrisRoberts, DavidLyon, Colleen2016-06-162016-06-162016-05-25 for the 2016 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries (TCDL).IR managers frequently run into problems with getting submissions into their systems. Getting the word out to campus about the service can be difficult and even interested faculty may not always have time to follow through with uploading their work. Repository staff at UT Austin created a workflow that takes advantage of Creative Commons licenses, publisher copyright policies, and DSpace batch processing to get faculty content into Texas ScholarWorks where it can be found by interested individuals. Over the past two and half years, repository staff have uploaded 1375 faculty publications to Texas ScholarWorks, with an additional 1078 items ready to be ingested. The next step is to work on getting usage statistics out to faculty so they are aware of the impact of adding their work to an open repository. We will discuss the rationale behind this new workflow, the script that we use to check Sherpa/Romeo, the batch processing program we use to prepare content for DSpace, and problems and issues that have come up along the way.repositoriesbatch processinginstitutional repositoriesfaculty publicationsBatch processes for faculty work in an institutional repositoryPresentation