Cizmas, Paul2010-07-152010-07-232017-04-072010-07-152010-07-232017-04-072010-052010-07-14 work presents a method for building a three-dimensional mesh from two- dimensional topologically identical layers, for use in aeroelastic simulations. The method allows modeling of large deformations of the wing in both the span direction and deformations in the cord of the wing. In addition, the method allows for the modeling of wings attached to fuselages. The mesh created is a hybrid mesh, which allows cell clustering in the viscous region. The generated mesh is high quality and allows capturing of nonlinear uid structure interactions in the form of limit cycle oscillation.engAeroelasticityunsteady aerodynamicscomputational fl uid dynamicsgrid generationconformal mappinglimit cycle oscillationnonlinearA Conformal Mapping Grid Generation Method for Modeling High-Fidelity Aeroelastic SimulationsBook