Holleran, Michael2015-11-032018-01-222015-11-032018-01-222015-05May 2015http://hdl.handle.net/2152/32192textSantiago de Querétaro is a UNESCO World Heritage City in central Mexico experiencing exacerbating rates of flooding in its historic center due to increased uphill urbanization overwhelming the aging drainage infrastructure. Historic districts are important economic drivers and shrines of heritage that should be considered when planning for disaster resiliency. This Report explores flood mitigation considerations for historic structures and districts, identifying those best suited for Querétaro and can be implemented at the parcel, district, or public administrative levels.application/pdfenHistoric preservationFloodFloodingQueretaroMexicoResiliencyDisasterPreservationHistoric preservation and disaster resilience : flooding in Santiago de Querétaro, MexicoThesis2015-11-03