Mazzei, ErinWillis, ShannonJones, JerrellMcIntosh, MarciaMcKee, Margaret2022-09-162022-09-162022-05-23 2022 Session 1D, Monday 5/23/2022, 11:00 pm to 11:50 pm | Moderated by Christina Kelllum, University of North Texas | Session Type Birds-of-a-FeatherThe TDL Imaging Group was founded in 2019 to address the challenges of cultural heritage imaging among regional practitioners. The groups’ goals include exchanging knowledge on topics such as equipment use, color management, workflows, project management, and other tricks of the trade in a supportive environment. Attendees of this birds-of-a-feather will be able to discuss among peers their imaging specific issues and triumphs, including, but not limited to, how the field has adapted to challenges over the past few years.en-USDigitizationImagingProject managementSession 1D | Imaging Group Birds-of-a-FeatherPresentation