Fischler, Willy669015602008-08-282008-08-282004 gauge symmetries provide the Standard Model, and it involves a Spontaneous Symmetry Breakdown (SSB), which is called the Higgs Mechanism. However, the geometrical formulation that can include the SSB and the unification of gauge groups have not solved yet. In order to solve these problems, we pay attention to two geometrical tools, that is, the superconnection and Noncommutative Geometry (NCG). And we consider the supergroup SU(2/1) as a candidate of the electroweak unification group. The SU(2/1) unification model was formulated with several geometrical frameworks, mainly, superconnection and the Mainz-Marseille (MM) version of NCG. On the other hand, the Connes-Lott (CL) model with an ‘original’ NCG was suggested without the supergroup SU(2/1). In these models the Higgs scalar field can be geometrically formulated. In this dissertation we attempt the new Ne’emanFairlie SU(2/1) model in the geometrical framework of the CL model. By assuming the 3 × 3 lepton and the 4 × 4 quark representations of SU(2/1) in the generalized onelectronicengCopyright is held by the author. Presentation of this material on the Libraries' web site by University Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin was made possible under a limited license grant from the author who has retained all copyrights in the works.Symmetry (Physics)Group theoryNoncommutative differential geometryThe Neʼeman-Fairlie SU(2/1) model: from superconnection to noncommutative geometryThesis3143364