Unrestricted.2016-11-142011-02-182016-11-142004-05http://hdl.handle.net/2346/17896In the subtropical regions of the United States, breeding of beef cattle typically Includes the use of Brahman cattle. These cattle exhibit high heat tolerance and the ability to be disease resistant. They are known for their maternal abilities and hybrid vigor when crossed with Bos taurus cattle. However, these animals are not known for their carcass merit. They have traditionally been characterized as producing low quality carcasses. Therefore, s breed of cattle that can tolerate the abusive conditions of the environment and produce high quality carcasses would be ideal. This study was conducted to evaluate if Romoslnuano (R) cattle, a Bos taurus Coriollo breed native to Columbia, would differ from Brahman (B) and Angus (A) cattle in carcass and palatability traits. Calves representing a three-breed diallel crossbreeding program were used for this trial. Steer calves representing AA, BB, RR and crossbreds (AB, AR, BA, BR, RA, RB; first letter indicates breed of sire and second letter indicates breed of dam) were fed in El Reno, OK and harvested at 97, 125, and 153 days on feed. Carcass data was collected at 48 h post harvest. Loins were recovered and aged for 7 d. Loins were fabricated Into 2.54 cm-thick steaks for use in shear testing and sensory analysis. Warner-Bratzler shear results indicate that BB cattle had the highest shear values (3.98 kg) while AA had the lowest (3.16 kg). With Romoslnuano on the maternal side of the cross, calves exhibited heavier carcass weights, higher marbling scores, higher Wamer- Bratzler shear values and lower sensory panel tenderness scores (P < 0.05). Breed did not have a significant effect on retail display properties. Minolta and Hunter data was collected on retail display steaks for correlation purposes. Among correlations of residuals, objective color measurements utilizing the Minolta spectrophotometer model CM-2002 was found to be most effective when trying to predict percent discoloration and overall acceptability of beef steaks after 4 days of retail display. The Hunter XE Plus demonstrated greater repeatability of measurement; thus, Indicating that both instruments are needed to accurately reflect pigment changes occurring in meat.application/pdfengBeefMeat -- PackingMarketingLipids -- AnalysisCattle -- BreedingRancidityThe effect of Romosinuano breeding on carcass characteristics, shear force, retail shelf life, and oxidative rancidity susceptibility of beef steaksThesis