2015-12-092015-12-092009-07http://hdl.handle.net/2249.1/76171Presentation for the 2009 Open Repositories Conference. This presentation discusses Vireo and electronic theses and dissertation (ETD) submittal and management for DSpace.The Texas Digital Library (TDL) is a consortium of public and private institutions from across the state of Texas; a major project in TDL is the development of a state-wide repository for managing the entire life-cycle of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). The Texas ETD Repository is a large effort that span multiple independent initiatives, all of which interact to support the overall task of managing ETDs in Texas. This presentation will describe Vireo, the customized submission and workflow management application that TDL developed for DSpace, and it's role within the Texas ETD Repository. We will describe its current implementation as a Manakin aspect and theme, and discuss the future plans for the application, including its release to the repository community under an open source license.enelectronic theses and dissertationsVireoDSpaceIntroducing Vireo: ETD Submittal and Management for DSpacePresentation