Waugh, LauraTarver, HannahAlemneh, DanielKrahmer, AnaPhillips, Mark2015-05-052015-05-052015-04-28http://hdl.handle.net/2249.1/68424Presentation slides for the 2015 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries (TCDL).In 2014, the University of North Texas (UNT) and the University of Florida (UF) began a collaborative process to each complete a self-audit using the Trusted Repository Audit Checklist (TRAC) for their institutions’ digital repositories. In addition to the self-audit, each institution agreed to participate in a peer-review process for evaluating and scoring each other’s self-audit and supplied documentation. This presentation discusses the implementation of a peer-to-peer process for TRAC to build towards becoming a Trusted Digital Repository, documentation needed and resources available, and how this type of process supports future collaborations for achieving TRAC goals in digital libraries.digital repositoriespeer-reviewTrusted Digital RepositoryPiloting a Peer-Review Process for Trusted Digital RepositoriesPresentation