DeCesare, Donna2011-06-172011-06-172017-05-112011-06-172011-06-172017-05-112011-05May 2011, gay, bisexual & transgender young people face a landscape of prejudice and intolerance when first coming to terms with their identities. In these moments of confusion, they often turn to their parents for support, yet parents often lack the information and resources necessary to support their LGBT child. The outcomes project interviews LGBT people about their "coming out" experience, and presents their video interviews a multi-platform website. The interviews appear alongside written accounts that highlight common themes encountered in research. The website also links to well-sourced resources for parents coming to terms with a child's disclosure. By telling these stories in a context that encourages an empathetic response, The outcomes project aims to give parents the information and understanding they need to support their LGBT child.application/pdfengGayLesbianBisexualComing out (Sexual orientation)QueerLGBTFamily acceptanceGay menParents of gaysInterviewsHomosexualityFamily supportThe outcomes projectthesis2011-06-17