Kocharovskaya, Olga2004-09-302017-04-072004-09-302017-04-072005-052004-09-30http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/380Modification of nuclear resonant absorption by means of laser radiation is analyzed both theoretically and experimentally. Theoretical analysis is done on the basis of four-level model of atom. This model includes both electronic and nuclear excitations. It is predicted that under coherent laser driving nuclear resonant Mossbauer absorption can be significantly modified, e.g. new Mossbauer resonances can appear, some of the existing resonances can vanish, both can be Rabi-split, broadened by laser action. In addition, it is predicted that Mossbauer absorption can be completely suppressed due to coherent population trapping. Experimental observation of laser-induced transformations of Mossbauer spectra of 57Fe2+ : MgO is accomplished. New Mossbauer lines appear with laser driving while the existing are broadened. Possible explanations of the observed changes in 57Fe2+ : MgO Mossbauer spectra are population of higher-lying electronic states of iron ion and significant modification of electronic relaxation processes due to modified Jahn-Teller interaction.en-USMossbauerlaserabsorptiontransitionironcrystalopticalresonanceexcitationOptical control of nuclear resonant absorption: theory and experimentBook