Fraze, Steve2013-12-162017-04-072013-12-162017-04-072013-082013-08-09 Study Of Texas Youth Livestock Exhibitors Knowledge Within The Constructs Of The Quality Counts Assessment. (August 2013) J. D. Ragland, B.S., M. S. Chairman of Advisory Committee: Dr. Steve Fraze. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the current Quality Counts program and assessment. This on-line training and assessment is a required program of completion for all youth exhibiting livestock at all major livestock shows in Texas. The studies additional purposes was to evaluate assessment results of participants within their respected age groups and club affiliation, and to identify their relationships of the four program objectives as well as the three research objectives outlined for this study to determine where curriculum improvements maybe needed. It was concluded that the Quality Counts program needs revision to be a more effective tool for youth exhibiting livestock.enQuality CountsAgriculture EducationLivestockStock Show,TexasCharacter EducationA Study Of Texas Youth Livestock Exhibitors Knowledge Within The Constructs Of The Quality Counts AssessmentThesis