The Development of an Innocative Approach to Teaching Female Pelvic Anatomy



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In an effort to develop an improved teaching resource for female pelvic anatomy, this study tested two versions of a new training aid on a group of forty-one students for comparison. One strategy was paper-based and the other was computer-based. The web-based computerized model had two modules, "Pelvic Support" and "The Vulva and Perineum." The modules contained text, video, animations, quizzes and interactive colorized images. The student could roll the cursor over a term and bring up a highlighted structure in the image. Animations demonstrated hard to explain pelvic movements. Videos showed clinical procedures. The computerized model was compared to a paper-based model with the same text and images, but no videos, animations, color or interactivity. A randomized trial was conducted giving each student one module in paper form and one module in computerized form. The study used a pretest, posttest and follow-up test to measure the change in learning with each training strategy. A questionnaire was given at the end to assess opinions of both models and another to assess their opinions of the elements found in the computerized model. There was no significant difference in the ability to learn with a computerized dynamic format or a paper-based static format. There was a difference in the students' preference for the computerized model.

