Session 3D | Managing to Metadata: Navigating the bottlenecks of a large-scale project at Texas Tech University's Digital Scholarship Lab




McEniry, Matthew
Mendez, Nathan

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Texas Digital Library


This presentation will look at how legacy digitization procedures and policies were redesigned to make large scale digital projects more efficient. The manuscript collection we'll be highlighting, League of Women Voters of Texas, 1916-1997 and undated, is a 208 box challenge. Matthew McEniry, Director of the Digital Scholarship Lab, and Nathan Menendez, Lab Manager, will discuss how they analyzed and solved bottlenecks in the digitization workflow. They will discuss legacy and current workflows for digital image processing, project management software, repository metadata description, audit requirements, personnel management, equipment and software changes, archiving, and digitization standards.


TCDL 2021 Session 3D, Wednesday, 5/26/2021, 11:00 am to 11:50 am | Speakers: Matthew McEniry, Director of the Digital Scholarship Lab, Texas Tech University; Nathan Menendez, Unit Coordinator, Texas Tech University | Moderated by Jerrell Jones, Digitization Lab Manager, University of Houston
