Dynamic modeling issues for power system applications
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Power system dynamics are commonly modeled by parameter dependent nonlinear differential-algebraic equations (DAE) x p y x f ) and 0 = p y x g ) . Due to (,, (,, the algebraic constraints, we cannot directly perform integration based on the DAE. Traditionally, we use implicit function theorem to solve for fast variables y to get a reduced model in terms of slow dynamics locally around x or we compute y numerically at each x . However, it is well known that solving nonlinear algebraic equations analytically is quite difficult and numerical solution methods also face many uncertainties since nonlinear algebraic equations may have many solutions, especially around bifurcation points. In this thesis, we apply the singular perturbation method to model power system dynamics in a singularly perturbed ODE (ordinary-differential equation) form, which makes it easier to observe time responses and trace bifurcations without reduction process. The requirements of introducing the fast dynamics are investigated and the complexities in the procedures are explored. Finally, we propose PTE (Perturb and Taylor?s expansion) technique to carry out our goal to convert a DAE to an explicit state space form of ODE. A simplified unreduced Jacobian matrix is also introduced. A dynamic voltage stability case shows that the proposed method works well without complicating the applications.