Value capture programming to support a regionally significant project in a regionally significant transit project for the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG)
This report outlines five criteria common to successful value capture programs that support transit; 1) predictable need/unmet demand, 2) authority and capacity to achieve policy adoption and implementation, 3) the financial feasibility of the project, 4) the level of concurrent planning that support the project and lastly 5) the projects level of significance. This report will focus on a logical approach to evaluating the possibility of employing a value capture strategy within the jurisdiction of the Berkeley-Charleston- Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG) using the given criteria. The suggested value capture strategy that emerges from this evaluation recognizes the existing and potential value capture mechanisms that could support a regionally significant transit project if budgeting and select revenues are synergized in the context of the regional plan.