A performing arts center for San Antonio
Architecture can be instrumental in increasing the interest in the Theater Arts.
The intention of the theater arts center is to express cultural values at different levels of interest in order to make the theater a penetrating, relevant, and exciting encounter. This can be accomplished by creating interaction between the audience and the actors at a pedestrian level, thus creating an Environmental Theater. The Theater Arts Center will become a theater within a theater, in which the environment surrounding the auditorium theater becomes a theater in itself. I believe this type of theater will create a greater interest of theater arts and a greater interest in the San Antonio culture. The outdoor theater will cater to theater activities at a daily basis and during festival periods, while the auditorium theater will cater to the evening viewers who wish to experience the theater at a more private level. The theater within a theater concept will also create a greater learning experience for those who live in and visit the San Antonio area, thus creating a better quality of life to those who wish to experience the theater.