The Effects of Trauma-informed Yoga on Men and Women Who Are Incarcerated: A Program Evaluation
This research project explores the effects of a trauma-informed yoga program on men and women who are incarcerated. Utilizing data from the Yoga 4 Change organization, this study captures the internal changes of individuals participating in a six-week trauma-informed yoga curriculum built on the knowledge of trauma and its effects on the human body. The data include measures of individuals’ coping skills, forgiveness, compassion, emotional awareness, emotional regulation, anxiety, anger management, and post-traumatic growth. Data are collected from both the experimental and control group for comparison purposes and include pre-test and post-test measures of each scale. The results from this research project will highlight the effectiveness of the six-week trauma-informed yoga program and its effects on men and women who are incarcerated. The overall goal of this study is to evaluate the Yoga 4 Change curriculum and to advance empirical research on the use of trauma-informed yoga in carceral settings helping to inform criminal justice practice and policy.