La búsqueda de los valores perdidos en el cuento latinoamericano contemporáneo.
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Through the lens of ethical criticism, the ideas of the Russian cultural theorist Mikhail Bahktin, and the assertions of the Spanish psychiatrist Enrique Rojas, this thesis examines the search for values in four Latin American short stories, “Luvina” (Juan Rulfo), “La prodigiosa tarde de Baltazar” (Gabriel García Márquez), “Érase una vez, en un supermercado muy lejano” (Darío Oses) and “El nuevo" (David Toscana). The present analysis reveals that the individual’s deep desire for significance and a unique impact on society influences one’s daily choices for acting in relationship with others. Only through intentionally and deliberately serving others (true love) and clinging tightly to those dreams which may seem impossible (real faith), will one live purposefully despite adverse circumstances. By contrast passivity and coldness towards others results in a futile cycle of failure and cowardice.