Space computing with group key agreement - location independent group key interactive management (LOKI)



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Space computing environments, being inherently public, have an increasing need to be secured. One way of successfully implementing security in a space computing environment is through the use of groups. Although groups would successfully secure the environment, there are several complications in group creation as well as the method for encryption.

Location independent group Key Interactive management (LOKI) provides an efficient, minimal framework for implementing groups in a space computing environment, thusly providing ironclad security, mobility, scalability, as well as group administration. In order to show how Loki will do this the following questions will be answered in this thesis:

•Can a secure generic method for group creation be created for all space computing environments?

•Can all space computing functionality be maintained with the implementation of groups?

•Is there an asymmetric encryption method that is scalable to larger numbers of contributing key pairs?

