Gregarine parasitism in dragonfly populations of Central Texas with an assessment of fitness costs in Erythemis simplicicollis.




Locklin, Jason L.

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Dragonfly parasites are widespread and frequently include gregarines (Phylum Apicomplexa) in the gut of the host. Gregarines are ubiquitous protozoan parasites that infect arthropods worldwide. More than 1,600 gregarine species have been described, but only a small percentage of invertebrates have been surveyed for these apicomplexan parasites. Some consider gregarines rather harmless, but recent studies suggest otherwise. Odonate-gregarine studies have more commonly involved damselflies, and some have considered gregarines to rarely infect dragonflies. In this study, dragonfly populations were surveyed for gregarines and an assessment of fitness costs was made in a common and widespread host species, Erythemis simplicicollis. Adult dragonfly populations were surveyed weekly at two reservoirs in close proximity to one another and at a flow-through wetland system. Gregarine prevalences and intensities were compared within host populations between genders, among locations, among wing loads, and through time. Host fitness parameters measured included wing load, egg size, clutch size, and total egg count. Of the 37 dragonfly species surveyed, 14 species (38%) hosted gregarines. Thirteen of those species were previously unreported as hosts. Gregarine prevalences ranged from 2% – 52%. Intensities ranged from 1 – 201. Parasites were aggregated among their hosts. Gregarines were found only in individuals exceeding a minimum wing load, indicating that gregarines are likely not transferred from the naiad to adult during emergence. Prevalence and intensity exhibited strong seasonality during both years at one of the reservoirs, but no seasonal trend was detected at the wetland. The seasonal trend at the reservoir suggests that gregarine oocyst viability parallels increasing host population densities and may be short-lived. Prevalence and intensity also differed between dragonfly populations at the locations. Regression analyses revealed that host species, host gender, month, and year were significant explanatory variables related to gregarine prevalence and intensity. The fitness parameters measured were not correlated with presence or intensity of gregarines, suggesting that either gregarines do not affect wing loading and egg production in E. simplicicollis, or that virulence depends on parasite intensity and/or the specific gregarine species infecting the hosts. Our results emphasize the importance of considering season, hosts, and habitat when studying gregarine-dragonfly ecology.


Includes bibliographical references (p. ).
