An in-depth study of personal creative maintenance



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This qualitative research study was created to examine four individual creative producers in the field of the visual and performing arts from different walks of life to determine if any similarities between the producers emerged. More specifically, the researcher was interested in (a) investigating how creative thinkers became creative producers and (b) investigating how these creative producers maintained and sustained high levels of creative production. After thoroughly utilizing the constant comparative method of data collection and analyzation, which includes peer debriefs, member checks, and other various qualitative techniques to keep the study internally valid, three themes emerged from the grounded data. Theme one is that a continuous evolution of the artist exists. This is brought about by parental support and critical incidents. Furthermore, these participants hold an enduring feeling of passion and responsibility for their field of creative endeavor. Theme two is that each creative producer spoke of having an intense inner sense of self. This sense of self first emerged within these participants at an early age, and its adult presence is evident in how these producers (a) cannot separate the artist from the person, (b) are aware of their personal and artistic growth, (c) are aware of their personal metacognitive strategies of generating ideas, and they sometimes use their art as a source of personal therapy. Theme three talks about how these creative producers see art as a greater whole. Its evidence is manifested within these participants perception that art has a very humanistic purpose by its effect on their communities.

