Investigation of combustive flows and dynamic meshing in computational fluid dynamics



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Texas A&M University


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a ?eld that is constantly advancing. Its advances in terms of capabilities are a result of new theories, faster computers, and new numerical methods. In this thesis, advances in the computational ?uid dynamic modeling of moving bodies and combustive ?ows are investigated. Thus, the basic theory behind CFD is being extended to solve a new class of problems that are generally more complex. The ?rst chapter that investigates some of the results, chapter IV, discusses a technique developed to model unsteady aerodynamics with moving boundaries such as ?apping winged ?ight. This will include mesh deformation and ?uid dynamics theory needed to solve such a complex system. Chapter V will examine the numerical modeling of a combustive ?ow. A three dimensional single vane burner combustion chamber is numerically modeled. Species balance equations along with rates of reactions are introduced when modeling combustive ?ows and these expressions are discussed. A reaction mechanism is validated for use with in situ reheat simulations. Chapter VI compares numerical results with a laminar methane ?ame experiment to further investigate the capabilities of CFD to simulate a combustive ?ow. A new method of examining a combustive ?ow is introduced by looking at the solutions ability to satisfy the second law of thermodynamics. All laminar ?ame simulations are found to be in violation of the entropy inequality.

